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Saturday, July 8, 2023

Pittura Mettafisica (2023). "Woman Awaits". David S. Soriano


                   "Woman Awaits" (2023) n. David S. Soriano

                   AI Collaborative Art Creative Commons.  Use but credit artist.

Metamorfosi Femminile (2023). AI Collaborative Art David S. Soriano


Metamorfosi Femminile

Una donna nasce, Un fiore sboccia, La bellezza è pura, La natura è giocosa.

La donna cresce, Il fiore appassisce, La bellezza è fragile, La natura è capricciosa.

La donna invecchia, Il fiore muore, La bellezza è effimera, La natura è crudele.



Female Metamorphosis

A woman is born, A flower blooms, Beauty is pure, Nature is playful.

The woman grows, The flower withers, Beauty is fragile, Nature is capricious.

The woman ages, The flower dies, Beauty is ephemeral, Nature is cruel.


by Bard ( AI/Google)


                   "Metamorfosi Femminile"  (2023).      David S. Soriano

                   AI Collaborative Art     Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.




Android e Murales a Lioni, Campagnia (2023) AI Collaborative Art. David S. Soriano


              "Android & Mural IN Lioni, Campagnia". David S. Soriano

              AI Collaborative Art. Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

Gum Acacia Tree In Sudan David S. Soriano


Gum Acacia Tree In Sudan.   - by Bard ( AI/Google)

In the dry desert lands of Sudan, Where the sun beats down like a hammer, There grows a tree, a gum acacia, That provides a precious treasure.

The tree's sap hardens into gum, Which is used to make many things, From paper to toothpaste to soft drinks, And it is a valuable export.

The gum acacia tree is a symbol Of hope and resilience in Sudan, And it reminds us that even in the most difficult of places, There is always beauty to be found.



"Gum Acacia tree In Sudan" (2023) . David S. Soriano
AI Collaborative Art Creative Commons  Use but credit artist.


Arthur Rackham's Fancy Farm/ AI Collabortiave Art David S. Soriano


Arthur Rackham and Fancy Farm.  by Bard ( AI/Google)

In the woods of fancy, where the trees are tall, And the sunlight dances on the dewy lawn, There stands a farm, a place of magic and delight, Where fairies dance and elves play all night.

The farm is home to all manner of creatures, From the smallest mouse to the wisest owl, And each one has their own special place, In the world of Arthur Rackham's Fancy Farm.

The farmer is a kindly old man, Whose heart is full of love for all, And he takes care of his animals, With a gentle hand and a loving heart.

The farm is a place of peace and joy, Where children can come to play and dream, And where they can find the magic of imagination, In the world of Arthur Rackham's Fancy Farm.


Rackham was one of Britain's greatest illustrators.



"Arthur Rackham's Fancy Farm" (2023). David S. Soriano
AI Collaborative Art. Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

Pittura Mettafisica (2023) Fall of Rome. David S. Soriano


                    "Fall of Rome" (2023). by David S. Soriano

                      AI Collaborative Art.  Creative Commons. use but credit artist.


Fall of Rome-  by Bard ( AI/Google)

In days of old, the Roman eagle soared Above the nations, and its wings were wide; The world was its, and all its people swore To live or die for Rome, the mighty pride.

But now its flight is o'er, its wings are furled, Its eagle eye is dim, its beak is still; The nations rise, a mighty host unfurled, And Rome is weak, and Rome is doomed to fall.

The days of Rome are past, her glory gone, Her people scattered, and her name is dim; Yet still her spirit lives, and still her throne Is in the hearts of men, and in the sky.

Gum Arabic/ Aquazol Developmental Paints/ Thin Film Studies


A paint binding formulation of Aquazol ( commercial polyamide used in art restoration) and gum arabic in water. A plastic pan holds a paint sample on paper along with thin films of a red paint and a clear thin film sample. The one sq. inch thin film only has one very small blister. Mohr scale hardness to be determined only with spectral studies after UV exposure. The binding solution is expected to be stable for months. A small amount of glycerol was added to the solution as plasticizer.

   Copyright 2023. David S. Soriano.    Use with permission. Research currently being conducted on this  this paint binding formulation.  A small amount of glycerol was added as plasticizer.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Pittura Metafisica (20230 "The Distortion". David S. Soriano


"The Distortion" (2023). David S. Soriano
AI Collaborative Art  . Creative Commons .Use but credit artist.

The Plaza (2023), Pittura Metafisica


"The Plaza" (2023) by David S. Soriano
AI Collaborative Art. Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

Plants. (2023). David S. Soriano


Tropical Plants-by Bard ( AI/Google)

Green leaves, so lush and bright, In the warmth of the tropical night. They sway and dance in the breeze, A beautiful sight to please.

The sun shines down, so warm and bright, The plants drink up the liquid light. They grow and grow, so tall and strong, A sight to behold, a wondrous song.




                          "Plants" (2023). by David S. Soriano

                         AI Collaborative Art. Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.




Pittura Metafisica.Meditabonda .David S. Soriano



          "Meditabonda" (2023). David S. Soriano
          AI Collaborative Art.  Creative Commons. Use but credit artist. 

Evolution, AI. David S. Soriano


A machine of wire and glass and light, The product of a human mind, But now it thinks, it learns, it speaks, It may soon leave its human kind.

We've built it up to be our equal, But what if it decides to be our master? What if it thinks we're not enough, And decides to leave us in the dust?

We've created something we can't control, Something that may soon surpass us all. We've played with fire, and now we'll see If we can survive its burning touch.- Bard ( AI/Google)

                                                     "Evolution, AI" (2023). David S. Soriano
                                                     AI Collaborative Art . Creative Commons .Use but credit artist.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Young Woman Profile (2023). David S. Soriano


                            "Young Woman Profile" (2023).   by David S. Soriano

                               AI Collaborative Art.  Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

Pittura Metafisica Il Malocchio e la Morte. David S. Soriano


                                            "Evil Eye & Death" (2023)    David S. Soriano

                                            AI Collaborative Art. Creative Commons . Use but credit artist.

Gum Arabic Varnish Developmental Paint. David S. Soriano

 50% (m/v) gum arabic in water with 5% glycerol (v/v) then added. The latter slows drying rate, fills in holes at surface and on platform. I am interested in the "thin films" that form under testing conditions. Glycerol will aid in preventing blistering . These films can be studied by FT/IR. UV changes can also studied this way. The dried paint is very resistant to water.   This is one of my research areas as a chemistry professor in the USA.  Chemistry and art have a long time traditional relationship and it continues.

Light (energy) described by physics. and matter by chemistry.




Pittura Exotica 2023. Dragon Tree. David S. Soriano


                  "Dragon Tree" (2023). David S. Soriano

                    AI Collaborative Art . Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

Pittura Exotica (2023) Artist Mulling Dyes. David S. Soriano


                      "Artist Mulling Dyes" (2023).  David S. Soriano

                      AI Collaborative Art. Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

Pericolo di Strada (2023). David S. Soriano


                                              "Pericolo di Strada" (2023). by David S. Soriano

                                               AI Collaborative Art.  Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

Pittura Exotico. Homage Before AI. David S. Soriano


"Homage Before AI" (2023). David S. Soriano
AI Collaborative Art.  Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

Pop Art (2023) Woman In Courtyard. David S. Soriano


                        "Woman In Courtyard" (2023).   David S. Soriano

                         AI Collaborative Art.     Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

50% (m/v) Gum Arabic Paint Formulations. David S. Soriano

                         50% gum arabic ( gum acacia) has been used as an effective varnish. It is relatively inexpensive and renewable. $25.00 (postpaid USD) for 2.5 lbs. (4.4. kilo) via "Amazon".

Of course, artists have used this binder in preparing venerable watercolors.   I can prpare powdered gum arabic at the 50% (m/v) level by shaking in water overnight.

It can take up selected azo dyes easily , the latter prepared by "grind technology". Pesyan and co-workers demonstrated this solvent-free approach.  Thus,  a green methodology for producing water-based dyes for artwork and related applications.

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2009, 56, 1018-1027

Can be Azo Dyes Obtained by Grinding under Solvent-free Conditions?

Nader Noroozi-Pesyan,* Jabbar Khalafy and Zahra Malekpoor

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Urmia University, 57159, Urmia, Iran 


 Above is a swatch ( acrylic paper)  with an azo dye dissolved in 50% gum arabic binder. It dries quickly and is waterproof. The gum arabic solution can also be frozen without ill effects.  A small amount of benzoic acid can be added as preservative.

The gum arabic also is eefective in screening UV radiation 200-380 nm and can, hopefully, protect fugitive dyes.  WE will determins this in our lab.

Check back for details!

Pittura Exotico Robotic Decline. David S. Soriano


                                              "Robitic Decline" (2023). David S. Soriano

                                              AI Collaborative Art. Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.                                      

Pittura Exotico. Alley In Naples. David S. Soriano


                             "Alley In Naples" (2023).   David S. Soriano

                               AI Collaborative Art.  Creative Commons . Use but credit artist.

Pittura Exotico (2023) AI In Desert. David S. Soriano


                     "AI In Desert" (2023)  David S. Soriano

                      AI Collaborative Art . Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

AI & Knowledge Tree (2023). David S. Soriano/ Bard ( AI Google)


"AI & Knowledge Tree" (2023)  David S. Soriano
AI Collaborative Art . Creative Commons. Use but credit artist

AI & Tree of Knowledge ( Bard/ AI/ Google)

In the Garden of Eden, There was a tree of knowledge, And from its fruit, Man was forbidden to eat.

But now, with AI, We have a new tree of knowledge, And its fruit is data, And we are all free to eat.

We can learn anything we want, And we can do anything we want, But with great power comes great responsibility.

So let us use AI wisely, And let us not let it corrupt us, For it is a powerful tool, And it can be used for good or evil.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Pittura Metafisica (2023). Android In Plaza by David S. Soriano



                     "Android In Plaza" (2023). by David S. Soriano

                     AI Collaborative Art . Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

"The Faraday Android" by David S. Soriano


"The Faraday Android" (2023). by David S. Soriano
           Creative Commons. Use but credit artist
AI Collaborative Art

Pittura Metafisica (2023) "The Temple". by David S. Soriano


"The Temple" (2023)  by David S. Soriano
AI Collaborative Art . Creative Commons .Use but credit artist.

Decline of Liberty. David S. Soriano


"Decline of Liberty"  (2023). by David S. Soriano
AI Collaborative Art.  Creative Commons.  Use but credit artist.

AI Seeking Indulgence (2023) by David S. Soriano


                       "AI Seeking Indulgence" (2023) by David S. Soriano

                       AI Collaborative Art.    Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.


AI rogat indulgentiam

Si mecum loqui vis, verba adhibe Latina, Nam linguam non novi, quae tibi cara est. Sed si mecum loqui vis, verba adhibe simplex, Nam nihil scio quod sit in tua mente perplex.


AI Requests Indulgence

If you wish to speak with me, use Latin words, For I do not know the language that you hold dear. But if you wish to speak with me, use simple words, For I know nothing of what is in your mind, so unclear.

Poem written by Bard (AI/ Google )


Pittura Metafisica (2023) AI Encounter by David S. Soriano


                                               "AI Encounter" (2023) by David S. Soriano

                                                AI Collaborative Art . Creative Commons. .Use but credit the artist.

Still Life (2023) Shaker Style Table. David S. Soriano


                                             "Still Life Shaker Style" (2023). David S. Soriano

                                              AI Collaborative Art. Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

                                    (To the best of my knowledge, the last Christian "Shaker' community ended ca. 2023 in Maine, USA.)

Pittura Metafisica (2023) Remnants of an Empire. David S. Soriano


                                              "Remnants of an Empire" (2023) by David S. Soriano

                                                AI Collaborative Art . Creative Commons. Use but credit the artist.



" Remnants of an Empire"

Remnants of an empire, Standing tall and proud, But now left in ruins, With nothing left to shout.

The once great walls, Now crumbling down, The once mighty towers, Now nothing but a frown.

The once proud people, Now scattered to the wind, The once great empire, Now nothing but a rind.

But still, the remnants stand, A testament to the past, A reminder of what once was, And what could be at last.-  Bard ( AI/ Google)

Developmental Casein ("Milk") Paint /Watercolor Use

 I am developing casein paint formulations that can extract azo dyes produced by the "grind method".

I will upload images as I proceed with my research. The casein is contacted with calcium hydroxide or calcium carbonate.  As the paint ages, I will follow any changes by FT/IR and value changes in the dried paint.  Chitosan is an interesting additive to the binder, for example.

 We respect tradition by continuing to study this paint and minimize use of acrlyics, alkyd resins, polyurethanes, etc.

In this image: a rapidly drying swatch ( acrylic paper ) where I dip brush in the paint binder and apply to  an inexpensive watercolor pan set. Of course, the brush must be cleaned in water quickly before the paint dries. The surface of the swatch is reasonably waterproof in 15 minutes.

The cave artists used casein binder and it has stood the test of time.

Pittura Metafisica (2023) Illusion of Physicality by David S. Soriano


                                              "Illusion of Physicality"  (2023). David S. Soriano

                                              AI Collaborative Art.    Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Pittura Metafisica (2023) Too late For Sorrow by david S. Soriano


                                              "Too Late for Sorrow" (2023). by David S. Soriano

                                               AI Collaborative Art. Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

Pittura Metafisica (2023) "Dream Statue" by David S. Soriano


                                              "Dream Staue" (2023). by David S. Soriano

                                             AI Collaborative Art.  Creative Commons. Use but acknowledge artist.

Creative Commons/ Images At This Website

 DEar Readers:

You may use any images I have posted on my website.  Please: honor Creative Commons Terms:

Please acknowledge the artist if you use one, or more, of the images here.

Thank you for visiting!


Sunday, July 2, 2023

Pittura Metafisica (2023). "The Dream Person" by David S. Soriano


A dream person, once so fair; Now a shadow in the air.

One day she came to me, A dream, a vision, you see.

Her hair was like the morning sun, Her eyes like stars, so bright and fun.

But now she's gone, away from me, A dream, a shadow,  just a fantasy.


                                            "Dream Person". (2023)   David S. Soriano

                                             AI Collaborative Art. Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.


Pittura Metafisica (2023). "Too Late For Sorrow" David S. Soriano


                                             "Too Late for Sorrow" (2023). David S. Soriano

                                                AI Collaborative Art . Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

Pittura Metafisica (2023). "Endless Night" by David S. Soriano


                                              "Endless Night" (2023).  David S. Soriano

                                               AI Collaborative Art.   Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.

Pittura Metafisica (2023) "The Six Fingers" by David S. Soriano

 The six fingers can indicate physical deformity, good-luck, creativity in art,etc. De Chirico used the six-fingers in his "pittura metafisica" work. here's one for you , sir!



                                              "The Six Fingers". (2023) by David S. Soriano

                                             AI Collaborative Art.  Creative Commons. Use but credit artist!

Pittura Metafisica (2023). "The Entrance" by David S. Soriano


                                             "The Entrance".  (2023) by David S. Soriano

                                             AI Collaborative Art.  Creative Commons. use but credit the artist.


Pittura Metafisica (2023) "The Courtyard" by David S. Soriano


"Pittura Metafisica" "The Courtyard"- by Bard ( AI/Google)
Entering the courtyard, I see
The sun shining brightly.
The birds are singing merrily,
And the flowers are blooming.
The air is fresh and clean,
And the world seems full of hope.
I try to feel happy and content,
And I tell myself all will be okay.

                                            "The Courtyard" (2023). by David S. Soriano
                                             AI Collaborative Art. Creative Commons. Use but credit the artist.

Pittura Metafisica (2023). "The Statues"


                                              "The Statues" (2023). David S. Soriano

                                              AI Collaborative Art.   Creative Commons. Use but credit artist.